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Principle 6

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

Proactively engage key stakeholders in an open and transparent manner.

The Challenge

About stakeholder engagement

Collaborating and communicating regularly with affected stakeholders, implementing a clear stakeholder engagement plan and collecting feedback openly, are important steps for maintaining our social license to operate. 

Communicating publicly and directly with stakeholders on business practices and sustainability reporting can build trust and enhance stakeholder performance in environmental, social, and governance. For this reason, Guiding Principle 6 challenges us to proactively engage key stakeholders in an open and transparent manner, and to build capacity with our stakeholders where capacity gaps may be identified, to foster meaningful engagement.

Principle 2 Guidelines

Delivering on Guiding Principle 2

The Principle 2 Guidelines (which are one of seven Lead Battery 360° Industry Guidelines supporting the Lead Battery 360° Code) provide guidance and further information on what is expected of companies to effectively deliver on this commitment.


Below are examples of practical actions taken and by the associations and participants in the Lead Battery 360° program.

Call to action

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