Grievance Mechanism
The Lead Battery 360° Grievance Mechanism aims to ensure that complaints raised with the Lead Battery 360° are dealt with in a timely, transparent, consistent and effective manner. For more information on the scope and possible outcomes, please check the Lead Battery 360° Grievance Mechanism document.
Complaints about the Lead Battery 360° Secretariat and Governance, members, certified member sites and approved Lead Battery 360° Assessment Bodies or Assessors should be submitted using the form below, or via email.
Raising a grievance
If you would like to raise a grievance, please use the form below.
Who can make a complaint?
- Individuals or entities affected by the actions of a Lead Battery 360° supporters, participants or certified participants.
- Individuals or entities affected by a decision related to the Lead Battery 360° Programme certification or membership eligibility.
- Parties having issues with the implementation of the Lead Battery 360° Programme policies and procedures for which its management and Board of Directors have direct governance responsibility, including those related to claims.
- Parties having issues with a Lead Battery 360° approved assessor.
Lead Battery 360° Grievance Mechanism Process
- The Lead Battery 360° will acknowledge receipt of the grievance within 10 calendar days and review the grievance for admissibility within 10 calendar days from when it acknowledged receipt.
- If rejected, the complainant will be informed of the reason and options for appeal.
- For grievances that are accepted, Lead Battery 360° will seek resolution through direct dialogue or appointing an independent person.
- To uphold confidentiality and promote transparency, the Lead Battery 360° Grievance Mechanism allows for anonymous submissions, giving individuals the option to raise concerns without disclosing their identity. In case Complainants chose not to share their identity with Lead Battery 360°, enough detail and supporting evidence should be provided to assess the issue as Lead Battery 360° will have no means to clarify it further.
- The right to anonymity does not apply in cases where Lead Battery 360° believes that there is a regulatory/legal obligation to disclose the issue.
- Lead Battery 360° will strive to investigate grievances with due regard to confidentiality regardless of whether complainants have chosen to disclose their identity or not. It is also important to note that Lead Battery 360°’s ability to address a complaint could be affected by the decision of keeping the Complainant’s identity confidential.
- Lead Battery 360° will make available the number and types of grievances received in its annual public report, ensuring confidentiality is maintained to prevent the identification of the parties involved.
- The Lead Battery 360° is committed to ensure that its Programme does not offer the risk retaliation, discrimination, threat or any other actions that could result in negative consequences for a Complainant who lodges a grievance.